Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve 2009!

"What is your New Year's resolution?" This question got the wheels spinning...the hamsters running at full speed. It struck me that the issue with resolutions is that they aren't put into action. Year after year, I regurgitate the same answers - eat better, lose weight, stop doing such-and-such, be a better person, spend time with family and friends. Yet, I don't accomplish much because I neglect to include specifics (what does it mean to be a better person?). And, usually, I don't have a plan - no clue as to what steps I'm going to take to accomplish those resolutions. That changes on January 1, 2010.

Take a walk with me as, each day, I tackle a resolution...I have 365 of them! I'll list them tomorrow - in no particular order - and start the process. Some will be ongoing (I'm determined to hug and kiss as many people as possible this year!) and others - buy a stranger a coffee, for example - will only take a minute.

Tonight, celebrate! Tomorrow, grab a Bloody Mary (in a glass rimmed with Old Bay seasoning, of course) and help me kick off the new year!
