Saturday, October 2, 2010

Time Is Flying...

Holy cats! It's October...and I'm way behind.
Admittedly, when I started this endeavor, I was motivated after watching Julia & Julia. However, after a few months in and being dealt some cards I wasn't expecting, I realized that life doesn't always go the way we want to write about it!

I haven't given up!! I need to review my list as I'm not even certain what's still on it ( I know, I missed sheep shearing)! Apple that on there? Hope so...going this week.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

As Way Opens

Well, in meeting today, I realized that whooping asses isn't in my nature. No matter the hurt others have caused or the untruths that have impacted my life, hurting others isn't an option for me. While it would be easy to do, it wouldn't sit right with me. The intentions of others, the negatives they are dealing with and, the mean-spirited motivation behind their actions, will eventually surface without any help from me. So, cross off #366...I'm returning the cans for some olive branches and a peace dove.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

There's Still Time

I have 4 months to bust out challenges and hopes on my list. I can do it! I'm focused (sort of)!

The other project that has my attention is my other blog,
This week, I will be communicationg about the politics of relationships - particularly those that are started on facebook, the psyche of liars, as well as other topics and people who need to be addressed. Before I start that though, I want to add one more to-do onto the list.

Usually, I am the mediator...the communicator...the peace-keeper. I do, admittedly, tend to move away from relationships, quickly, that I view as unhealthy to others. This prevents me from really letting loose...from saying what's on my mind, from being...hmmm, what's the word...a bitch. So, I've decided I need to #366 learn how to open a can of whoop-ass. This morning, I got myself a case of cans and will work my way through them. While I realize I have until 12/31/10 to do so, the expiration date on the cans is fast approaching. So, I'll be steadily, with great detail, letting loose. Woot!

Monday, June 14, 2010

25 Cents

The kids wanted to set up another lemonade stand (we had a coffee cart, too!)...this is the second in a couple of months. Inititially, they wanted to charge $2.00 for a drink and cupcake, but were talked down to 25 cents per item. I wanted to make a stand for them, but with packing and school haven't had the time. They couldn't care less...they're thrilled with a table and piece of paper.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


One of my favorite things about summer in Colorado is that there is so much to do. As often as possible on Saturdays, we venture to the Boulder Farmer's Market (the best in the kidding). There isn't just an amazing array of fruit and veggies to choose from, but also organic wine, meats, bread, cheeses, flowers (peonies this week!), herbs and locally made goods - soaps, jewelry, clothing...It's incredible!  If that isn't enough, local restauranst set-up shop - from bufffalo burgers and tamales to indian curry and cupcakes. Delish! After we get what we need and grab a bite, we head over to the Boulder Creetk! Woot! Such a blast. Last week, the water was too cold from the snow melt to do much of anything except hang for a few minutes at a time and jump rocks. In another couple of weeks, we'll be tubing:)  Look for pictures. We love the flow of Saturday.
You can check out the market

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bubbly Toes

I forgot...I've been so out of it the last few months that I've been forgetting to log things that are on the list.

On my birthday, I took a friend who is pregnant to get a pedicure! It was a nice treat.

That's all she wrote...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


When we returned to Colorado from Maryland, except for a few valued pictures, some clothing and accessories, and some books - well, lots of books -everything was sold or given away. We didn't even bring furniture! We mailed some boxes - 28 of them - and everything else had to fit in the cars.

So, who would have thought that after downsizing from a 3000 square foot home (not including the basement!) to a 1200 square foot "cottage," as Elsa likes to call it, that I would have enough to sell and a full load to give away?! Granted, alot of the items were kids clothing, toys, some books, random funky knick-knacks, and some kitchenware, but we really need so much STUFF?

Over the years, I had an urge to purge. I saw how accumulating things took away from living life - always worried that something would break, having to repair this or that, keeping all of the junk organized and clean, trying to keep up with the Jones', and taking time out of my weekends to yard sale for things that really meant nothing to me.

When I began my journey as a Quaker, I felt so relieved. Finally, a group who practiced simplicity ( keeping things simple emotionally, spiritually, physically), thereby encouraging me to do the same! Our meetinghouse wasn't ornate - just a small building with a few benches, a large table for sharing meals, some bookshelves, and a kids room. Nothing fancy. Yet, it was so welcoming and grounded. The people made it that way.

After today, I feel like I'm back on track. Don't get me wrong...I still have my collection of antique rolling pins, vintage jewelry, and handmade quilts.  My house still feels warm and cozy. And I don't plan on halting the joy I find in rummaging through antique stores LOOKING at history. But I
realized - remembered - in the grand scheme of life, taking time to collect things is far less important than spending time making memories.

(Oh, and donating things was on the list. The work that Habitat for Humanity does is uplifting in so many ways. They always get my stuff;)

Give It Away

Lagniappe - something extra, something special that is given away when not expected, usually with a purchase...but in my case, not always.
My ex-husband can't stand when I have a yard sale. He's in it for the money. I'm in it for the giving away of things that people like! Nothing makes me happier than telling someone they can have something that they find necessary, pretty, or odd!
So, as far as I'm concerned, today's yard sale was soulfully successful!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tra La La La la

Finally, I have sound on my computer! That means I have music on the computer! Yippee!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Journal Every Day...

I love my children...and have accepted the fact that they will, one-day, move on to start lives of their own. I believe you should smile at everyone you see. I think you should look someone in the eyes when they are talking to you. I believe that if you are going to pray, you need to be ready to do the work that comes with what God has to say. I like freckles. I believe that touch is vital to survival and healing. I love old movies. Cooking should be a family affair. I would do anything for my friends. The goofier, dorkier a person is, the better. Meditate. I believe in PDA. I think seashells should be displayed. Clothing is optional, but if I had to pick one thing to wear every day it would be a pair of jeans, white t-shirt, and flip-flops – and some sort of hat. I think anyone who spends needless time, money, and energy on a wedding day, isn’t really ready for a marriage. I spit watermelon seeds. I believe it takes work if it means anything. I think of laughter as a thread that keeps relationships sewn together. I believe in loyalty. I don't fake anything. I think that playing with and reading to children are two of the most important gifts we can give them. I believe the elderly are national treasures. Diamonds and gold are overrated. I love sand. I miss my Nana. I’ll always be an Oriole’s fan, even when they suck, every year. I think that being alone and feeling lonely are two completely different things…the former I don’t mind, the latter makes me sad. Music should be on more than the television. Family is important. I am a farmer at heart. Dreaming is wonderful, but doing is better. I don't believe in coincidences. Fish-net thigh highs rock. I believe if someone is within three feet of you, you should speak to them. I love holding hands. October is my favorite month. I believe in second chances – and three’s a charm. I love to celebrate other people's birthdays. My favorite flower is a peony. I think it’s unfair and unhealthy to expect one person to fulfill all of your needs. I like breakfast for dinner, but burritos for breakfast. I’m terrible at doing the dishes. Heart beats out head, hands-down, every time. I think chocolate should be its own food group. I admit when I'm wrong and I admire others who can do the same. I (quietly) cuss like a sailor when I get upset. Everyone is beautiful. I love getting my hands dirty. I'm sensitive to the feelings of others. Green! I love to have my face touched, especially while being kissed. I think people should be required to buy at least one box of Girl Scout cookies every year. I love boobs. I like images of the Madonna and Child. I consider lying on a blanket, watching the stars come out a fantastic date. I think you should eat by candlelight as often as possible. Rain calms me. I know that I love you. I believe that God is all-loving and all-forgiving. I love to dance. I love the smell of the ocean. I think that you have to be able to laugh at yourself. I make the best coconut cream pie on the planet. Kissing is underrated. 4 is a lucky number. Quotes by famous dead (and some who are still alive) people make me think. I love the smell of babies. Pumpkins make me smile. I believe that Halloween is as much for grown-ups as for adults. The simpler the better. I believe that even the most wonderful, loving, long-lasting relationships have challenges. I think that, should the situation ever present itself, God would choose a beer over any other beverage. Birthday cakes should be homemade. I believe in, on occasion, saying Yes! to a child before the question is even asked. Camping puts things in perspective. I believe that you can’t truly love a person who you don’t really like. I feel that everyone needs to laugh through life, hand in hand, with another person.

I could keep going…

I think that journaling is eye-opening…

See, I can’t stop…

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I've been a little scattered! I completely forgot to blog about Easter and the egg hunt!

Sometimes my fondness for gatherings clouds the reality of my days. Even though I was scheduled to wake at 4:00 am to fly from Baltimore to Colorado  - with a layover somewhere in Ohio - I still thought it would be an excellent (Yes, I was going to type egg-cellent) idea to have the neighborhood gather at my house that same day for Easter dinner and an egg hunt.

To my credit, I did ask (usualy I don't) people to bring something to contribute. For some reason, lemons were on the mind. So, I made baked salmon (OMG! I freakin' loved it! I had a bad experience with this fish before, but it was awesome this time), roasted red potatoes and asparagus with lemons, lemon and herbed chicken, hummus (yum, lemony), artichoke and spinach dip, and rosemary and thyme bread. I cheated and purchased egg, chick, and bunny-shaped cookies, but I did manage to make ambrosia! Delish!

The  kids had an egg hunt out back. There were eggs all over the place - in the grass, in the trees, under the deck, around the neighbor's decks. They really had to look for them. Fun times!

The kids and I were egg-hausted by the end of the day. Though, well worth it, always, to have friends and family around.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sexy Soul Sister In A...

Red dress! Wore one and got that comment. Love it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Maryland, My Maryland

Well, it wasn't the trip I had envisioned, but it was a visit to Maryland, nonetheless. Cross it off!

I'm not going to tell you about my days there except to say that I had a blast with Grace, Nic, Mary, and Bob and that Saturday was delicious thanks to Candy and Grace.

No one from Colorado, as well as some people from Maryland, can understand why I want to go home. If you've always lived in the same place...never far away from where you grew wouldn't get it. It's all about the roots!

When I was growing up, I was blessed to have cousins, aunts & uncles, my grandparents, neighborhood friends, school friends, people from church...weaving throughout my days, visiting for Sunday supper, celebrating special occasions, sharing in sorrows. It was a great learning experience for me. And it was one of the happiest things I remember about my childhood...the feeling of being surrounded by people who are connected & grounded...feeling protected and loved. I miss it. I want my children to have similar memories of their childhood. Maryland - and the people in my life who are there - can offer that to them.

There are other things I love, miss, and can't wait for...
The smell of the ocean,  Honfest, Scenic routes that are actually scenic, Tony's Pizza, the Giermek's, Forsythias in bloom, Geri, Chris, Being able to use the term HON and not have anyone glare at me, Aline, Monica, Old-carved-gorgeous architecture, Shelby and Hannah, Diversity, Candy, O's games, Bob, my Poppy, Preakness, Anita, Awesome vintage clothing stores, Chrissy, Assateague ponies, everything Poe, Trader Joe's, Tastykakes, the Harbor, Nichol, Pain-in-the Ass, Momma (yes, there is supposed to be a comma between ass and Mom) an east coast Autumn, crabcakes, Thunderstorms, Little Italy...and so much more.

There truly is no place like home.

Pardon the pictures...they are crooked and blurry...I had to wash my crabcakes, hush puppies,  and cole slaw down with several  Bud Light (bottles of course, but still...what was I thinking?).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Little Guy

I forgot to post this. As I was downloading pictures yesterday, I realized that I had forgotten to post the "building a snowman" blog.
Last week, the snow was just about melted when I remembered that snowman building is on the list. Since I'll be relocating to an area where - hopefully - I won't be seeing as much snow, I thought I should create the dude while I had the chance. Elsa and Lucas delegated since there wasn't much to do. He's a little guy...probably the size of a spaghetti squash.
Another one off the list...

Love In...Negative Out

My current post at parentingpoliticspillowtalk deals with letting love in, as well as the ramifications of the choice to do so. Plus, there is talk of how sometimes it is best, regardless of the length of a relationship, to end it due to the negative vibes that surround it.

I love 2fers...two topics, covering both blogs!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Please, Take It...

When I noted that if someone commented that they liked one of my possessions, I'd give it to them, I didn't realize how difficult it would be...for the receiver.

Let me preface this by saying that what I gave away will not be the only thing I gift to someone this year. You'll understand why in a minute.

We were in class. The lights had been dimmed. I was shuffling through my purse, feeling for a writing instrument. My classmate was standing there and as I pulled out my pen, I could see her eyes widen. "Oh, that is so cool...a Woody Woodpecker pen!"

The light bulb went off...give it to her!

"Here you can have it."

"I can't take your woody Woddpecker pen. Did I mention it is so cool?"

"Please, I'm not attached to it and I really want you to have it."

"I couldn't take your pen."

"Ummm, it's a pen. Please."

"I don't know."

"You like Woody Woodpecker, obviously. So, it would make me really happy if you would accept this PEN!"

Finally, she accepted it!

The beauty of this interaction was that a pen could brighten someone's day. So simple.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why Would You Put Soda In Bread?

This was the question that Elsa and Lucas wanted answered when I told them I was going to make Irish soda bread for St. Patrick's Day. They thought it sounded disgusting.

But then they tasted it...

Gone within the hour!

Hopping Around...

The spring-like temperatures we've been experiencing in Colorado have nudged us into Easter mode. And when one thinks of Easter, images of bunnies (yes, I know Easter isn't about rabbits, so please don't go there with me) come to mind. Which in turn, motivated us to visit The House Rabbit Society in Broomfield.

(When Elsa was a about 10 months old, I would put her in her baby back carrier and strap her onto my back while I did volunteer work with this group of wonderful folks. For more information about volunteering, donations, and other ways to help, check out

Before we got to the house, I was sure to let Elsa and Luke know that we weren't visiting to adopt a bunny. However, if they found a rabbit that they liked, we would sponsor it for the time it was living at the shelter. Luke was intent on finding a fat, floppy-eared, black bunny to sponsor, while Elsa was more interested in checking all of them out and taking in the surroundings. Though, she wasn't so thrilled about  the smell.

The kids decided on Sarah . I was charmed by Micah (Luke was going to be named Micah which is one of the reasons I was drawn to this little guy. Plus, he was so stinkin' cute. And friendly!) . There's no compromising when it comes to adorable, soft, nose-twitching, furry we decided to sponsor both.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Play Day

On days in March that feel like spring, it's a requirement to spend them outside! First, we played tennis. Then, we decided to shoot some hoops. At the park, the kids always head right to the swings. I like the slide!
We were tired after a couple of hours and found ourselves lounging on the slides, basking in the sun like  lizards.

Three things off the list in half a day. Woot!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Busy Days

I know I'm ahead with my things-to-do list, but I miss this blog!

It's been a busy couple of weeks...

* Last week, my friend, Elizabeth (the Starbuck's coffee drinker from the gym), turned 40! The kids and I placed handmade cards, a big balloon (Sorry it wasn't Hello Kitty!...I looked!), and a bottle of wine on her front porch so she'd be surprised when she walked outside.

* Someone else's birthday was this past week...Dr. Seuss. We celebrated with green eggs (Elsa thought this was awesome. Lucas, not so much.) and ham. Then we had the neighborhood kiddos over for a piece of cake. The cake was supposed to resemble the hat from The Cat in the Hat. I didn't have time to make multiple layer cakes, so I had to wing it.

* The kids and I went to see Schoolhouse  Rock at the Arvada Center for the Performing Arts -  It was a fantastic show!
Since we were a stone's throw away from the downtown area of Arvada (one of my favorite Main St. areas in Colorado), we decided to head there for lunch. We stopped at The Egg Shell. They have the yummiest veggie eggs benedict!
Elsa wanted to make sure we were going to go to Rheinlander Bakery (one of the reasons this downtown area is at the top of my list)  for a treat after lunch. She volunteered to eat all of her meal if I'd assure her that she could get a cookie on a stick. We were going to go regardless of how much she ate...that bakery is incredible!

I went a little crazy with the pics on here! Just scroll...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It snowed from Thursday afternoon until Sunday evening. There is only so much sledding, baking, homework, facebooking, and Wii -playing that can be done during these frosty days. So, Elsa, Lucas, and I decided to break out Monopoly - the junior version.

Ten minutes into the game, Luke decided that he wasn't thrilled about having to give away his money. He shoved what he had in his pockets and announced he wasn't playing anymore.

Elsa had no interest in buying any properties, even if it had a nifty name. Who wouldn't want to purchase "Clown Around Fun House" or "Sweet Treats Snack Shop?" She was content collecting her $2.00 as she passed GO.

For a brief moment, I had to wonder if these two were really my children. Where's the vision? Where's the entreprenurial spirit?

That thought quickly passed.

Elsa landed on a CHANCE square. 
Her eyes gleamed.
She was so excited about drawing from the CHANCE pile and embracing the opportunities ahead.
Clearly, my child.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Conversation

Pray more. I should have clarified.

I pray every day, throughout the day.

Over the years,  my prayers have evolved from asking for the absurd, "Please God, let me win the lotto!"  and negotiating with the Divine - "God, if you let this happen, I promise I will..."  to prayers of praise and thanksgiving.

Often, too, I pray for others - not that their souls will be saved or that they will have/get/be whatever I think they should have/get/be. Rather, that they build a relationships with God that allows them to be moved by the Spirit.

And I pray for myself, - for guidance, for all things good, for the abundance in my life that I know God wants for me.

One of the challenges with prayer is that it's sometimes approached as a monologue. We relate to God the same way as we've gotten into the habit of doing with our earthly connections  - we  don't listen. We say what we want to say, ask questions, seek understanding, and then  we move on with our ears - and hearts - closed. That's where meditation comes into play for me.

I meditate daily...usually during the quiet of  the morning before anyone else wakes...sometimes in the evenings, after hours of facebooking and blogging, when I need to wind down. Meditation, to me, is part of the conversation - it's when I do the listening instead of the yapping.

It's difficult to put into words the calm that envelopes me when I clear my mind and sit with what God is telling me. So, I won't even try.

We ask for things in our lives and yet when God answers us, we shrug it off...we think that He's wrong in the direction He's sending us...the answer involves too much work...we keep waiting for the answer that we want to hear. By ignoring His answers, we miss the blessings - all of the gifts - He's trying to bestow on us.
God ALWAYS answers us. He never leaves us hanging. Just listen.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feather Thy Nest

Elsa came home from Daisy's with pinecones covered in peanut butter and bird seeds to hang outside for our feathered friends. Coincidentally, I had just opened my Hobby Farm magazine to an article regarding how to construct shelter for birds.
Guess what we'll be doing today?

What's Old Is New Again

If you were a Brownie or Girl Scout, you'll probably remember the song that went as follows:

"Make new friends, but keep the old,
One is silver and the other gold."

Well, I've been blessed with one in the same - an old friend who has become a new friend. After more than twenty-five years of living separate lives, we've now found ourselves on the same path.  I can't imagine not having his friendship in my life for the next 25 years.

As for the was never clear to me which friend - old or new - was gold and which was silver. What I am sure of is that with this sweet soul, I've double-medaled ( I don't know if this is even a word...doesn't get the picture....Tianna-speak).

Monday, February 15, 2010

Everyone Is An Artist...

Truly, I believe that to be so.

People are creative. To me, anything that someone dreams up and then takes the time to piece together, build, sew, plant, mold, dance to, paint, and so on is considered a work of art.

I used to love to draw. Why I stopped is another story, but I made it a point to include tackling various art projects on my to-do list this year. One resolution was to paint a picture ( this is a mixed media - acrylics, tissue, and loose tea). I busted this out in about 30 minutes. You can tell. It still needs to be finished. Like us, a work in progress...

Life is FUN!

Freely, I will admit, that I enjoy celebrating - anything! Pet's birthdays, someone in the neighborhood gets a new car, one of the kids - and not necessarily my own - has a new tooth coming in, promotions or demotions, break-ups and divorces, the local high school team wins a name it, I'll celebrate it. For us, most holidays begin the month before the actual date ( I'm already wearing my Kiss Me, I'm Irish tee). So, we've been gearing up for Valentine's Day for some time now. Elsa and Luke were  excited to have their friends over! We made -and ate - chocolate covered strawberries & black-bottom cupcakes (and the other moms brought cupcakes, too!), read a funny Valentine's Day story, danced around the house, played, and then went sledding!

Life is FUN!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pamper Someone

Unlike the east coast, where feet of snow have fallen over the past couple of weeks, the town where I live in COLORADO has ony received a few inches! Usually, we are out and about in the snow, but with another round of the yucks going through the family this past week, we decided to spend most of our time indoors.

Elsa was hit the hardest this time. She was getting a little ancy after the first couple of days of  recovery, but a little pampering helped ease her out of her funk.

I started rubbing Elsa's feet when she was a baby. It soothed her. She enjoyed much so that after bath, while I was diapering her, she would emphatically place her foot in front of my face...waving it at I would rub it. I thought a pedicure would be an ideal way to help her relax and take her mind off of not feeling well.

First, she soaked her tootsies in warm, soapy water that smelled of tea tree oil. Then came her favorite part...the massaging of the feet and legs. She loves it. She had to put her Ranger Rick magazine down so she could lie back in the chair and close her eyes. Lastly, we added some color to her day by painting her toenails.

How nice it feels to help someone else feel better.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Laughing All The Way

The resolution reads, "Daily, laugh for long periods of time! HA!"  Although I've commented before about the laughter in my life, I thought it would be nice to bring it up again.

Elsa and I have been sick. Last night we were struck with an illness and have felt terrible all day. Yet, I keep laughing.

(Princess) Elsa decided that she wanted to stay in bed - my bed - all day. According to her, it's snuggly. So, I propped up some pillows, brought in her books and journal, and left a box of tissues. As I was walking out the door, she asked if she could have one of the brass bells  that we have placed throughout the house. That way, if she needed me, she could ring.

Ding-a-ling-a-ding a-ling...

I was summoned. She was hungry for some toast. And she wanted tea.  No problem.

As I got to the bottom of the steps...ding-a-ling...

She wanted to make sure I knew that her food and drink should be delivered on a serving tray. Princess! (Wouldn't have it any other way!)

In the midst of all this, Lucas needed to get ready for a birthday party.  Seeing that I had my hands full, he declared that he would get ready by himself because I really needed to rest after tending to Elsa.

Here's what he decided to wear...

I told you...I'm laughing all the time.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Slow down...

If you've been following along, you know that I'm ahead with my resolutions! So, I'm going to slow down a bit!

What should I tackle next?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Interesting and Disgusting

Often, we think our children can only handle information geared to their ages. Nonsense.
My children are fascinated by anatomy. They want to know the anatomical names of bones and muscles. Elsa thinks the brain and heart are amazing. And Lucas wants to know specifics about the eye and vision.
So, I teach them. We learn through the internet (Google rocks), The Magic School Bus movie series (awesome stuff!), and from my anatomy books.
Every day, they ask me questions regarding lectures I've attended.
I shared with them a piece of information that I knew would garner as many "Ewwww" sounds as it did "

*Red blood cells die after a certain number of days (approximately 120) and are eliminated through our poo, which is why poo is - usually - a brownish color. (Obviously, there is more to the process, but you get the picture.)

Told you...Ewwww! Ah-ha!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Does Any Of This Count?

  Resolutions...Does this count? ~

 1.  Play golf...Playing Wii golf.

 2.  Play tennis...Again with the Wii.

 3.  Learn to speak Spanish...My friend greeted me, "Hola, bella."  I said, "Hola!"

 4.  Make an Indian meal...Poured Jalfrezi simmer sauce by Seeds of Change onto baked tofu and vegetables. Holy curry! Delicious!

 5.  Remind everyone about the importance of hand-holding..."Elsa, are going to get smooshed if you don't hold my is dark and we are in a parking lot."

 6.  Kids in the kitchen!...I made pumpkin muffins while the kids were in the kitchen.

 7. Read a book by a local author...Just finished "What the Dead Know" by Laura Lippman. She is from Baltimore. So am I. Locals.

 8.   Go out with the girls...According to an urban dictionary, "the girls" can be a reference to one's breasts. If that's the case, then I am always out with the girls.

 9.  Ride a roller coaster...I get out of bed every morning. Let the ride begin!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today, the kids and I drove to an indoor play area. We parked in a spot that had an actual meter - as opposed to the system where you have to walk a mile, swipe your credit card through a machine, take a ticket,  then walk another mile returning to your car to place the ticket in the window.

Clink. Nothing happened.
Of course, that wasn't enough for me to realize there was an issue with this particular parking-space monitor.
Clink. Nada.

So, we moved our car to another space. This meter appeared to be working. There were faced the "right" spot, which was where Joy ( I have a Saab...sounds so I named her Joy) was stationed. The other arrow pointed "left." I noticed the time had expired for that vehicle. Yippee! I could fulfill another resolution.
I put money into the meter for Joy's neighbor. That's good Car-ma.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Feeding The Soul

My Nana had a wonderful sense of humor. When she would tell a funny story or joke, she'd punctuate every line with theatrical pauses or dramatic facial expressions. Then, when it was time for the punch line, she'd sing with laughter. Her face would turn red. She'd slap her hands on the table, instead of her lap, as her eyes welled with joyful tears. If her sisters ~ Katie, Virginia, or Bernice ~ happened to be in the same room, the laughter was amplified. A gaggle * of gigglers! You could hear the cackling throughout the house. It's the kind of laughter that makes other people join in, even if they haven't a clue as to what is so funny.

Whatever the gene is that steers people to view things in an amusing light and laugh uncontrollably - even at things that others might not find humorous (like ourselves) - I have it. Thank-you, God!

Over the last year or so, I've connected via facebook with family and friends from so many different times in my life...people I've known since childhood, as well as those who I met last month. And I'm blessed to count on both hands (Yes, I borrowed this line from Mr. Vedder) people who I interact with in and around my Colorado home. While everyone comes from different circumstances, the thing I've realized is that the people in my life - (maybe all people?) - are FUNNY! I'm so grateful for this! What a gift! Daily - sometimes hourly - I laugh, long and loud. And there are times when I'm able to bring the laughter forth in others. What a joy!

We are taught to love one another. And absolutely, we should.
But there is somethig else that lifts people up, heals broken hearts, bridges misunderstandings, creates peace of mind, feeds the's laughter.
So, I propose that we not only love one another, but we laugh with one another!

Here's to Nana! Cheers!

Word of the day ~
Gaggle ~ 1.  A group :
2. A flock, as in geese

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Have Lots of Patches in the Sewing Kit

Elsa came to me, favorite pair of jeans in hand. She had taken a tumble and there was a small tear in the knee.
"Mom, please fix this."
"Ok, pumpkin pie. I'll stitch it up for you." (I said this with confidence, even though sewing is not my forte. Especially, sewing denim. Ouch.)
"You can put a cute patch on it. You aren't that good at sewing ( the hook! She knows me so well.) I like the ladybug that is in the sewing box."


Once the torn area had been addressed, she couldn't stop raving about the pants. They were so special to her...even more so now than before the damaged occurred.

The way Elsa feels about her jeans is the way I feel about relationshsips that have been ripped a little...even torn apart. People create relationships. And because we err, our relationships - at one time or another  - bear the brunt of our falls.

Throwing away a perfectly good pair of jeans isn't an option to me. Neither is throwing away a person who is one of my favorites. I value the relationships in my life, just as I appreciate the comfort of an old pair of jeans.
They're soft. They fit. They've walked through all sorts of experiences with me.  Frayed edges are always welcome.

Mending takes time and patience. It's done with love in my heart. And I always look forward to the end product...seeing something that at one time was so lovely, now renewed and revitalized.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What's New?

My friend, Elizabeth, was at the gym the other day. We were walking toward each other. I could see it in her hand. The smell of it was coming out of that teensy-weensey hole in the lid. Starbuck's coffee. Temptress!

We stood and yapped for a bit. She moves her hands while she talks. The coffee cup was swirling through the air...moving this way and that. My eyes were doing the same...darting, following the cup. We decided to circle the track a few times while we chatted. The java came with us.

I confessed that I was having a tough time without my mugs of coffee in the morning. She said that she wasn't surprised I was having's always difficult to give up something delicious. Plus, she pointed out, there are some really great health benefits to drinking coffee.

I like healthy treats.

I went home and looked at my list. When I wrote it, I noted that I needed to LIMIT my consumption to one cup per day. YEAH!

So, I brewed up a dark roast and had some joe while I read the letter from my pen pal!

Life is too short to give up on delicious.

Tongue Biting Is Far Worse Than Nail Biting And...

I won't be doing either.
I never was a nail biter. Not even during scary movies.
I never was a tongue biter. Not even during daring moves while kissing.
"Bite my tongue" is on my list of resolutions.
I did it. I bit it.
Over the last few weeks I haven't said a peep about Robertson, Reid, Limbaugh, Brown, or Bauer,
Nor about the vile remarks of facebook fans that show up every hour.
I've been watching and reading as others post their non-sensical writ,
(Achoo! Achoo! Excuse me, I forgot...I'm allergic to bullshit).
I welcome a difference of opinion, a variety of views,
As long as they aren't simply talking points lifted from the babbling heads at Fox News.
Friends who truly love me aren't offended by what I say,
Speaking out rather than shutting up...they wouldn't have me any other way.
Please remember, friends, that I love you so my intent isn't to offend,
Rather, I believe communication is a step toward a nation on the mend.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Senior Center Field Trip

The kids and I took a trip to the Senior Center, which is attached to one of the recreation centers in town. We delivered the Valentine's (read Heart To Heart if you aren't up on the making of these gems)  and some cookies. There were a handful of folks who were reading papers, chatting, and registering for classes When they saw us arrive they fussed over Elsa and Lucas. Both parties loved the attention!
I'm going to return at the end of the week to see if they hung the hearts.


Word is...Webster is taking the night off! Be back tomorrow.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What I Learned From The Denver Stock Show

There were thousands of people at the stock show today. Certainly, we didn't perceive the events...the information presented to the same way.

Here's what I realized from my experience ~

*  Men in cowboy hats are smokin' hot. As are the women.
*  I will never pass up a chance to wear my kickin' Ariat boots
*  Big, fat sausages are a hit in Colorado
*  I will have a farm, sooner than later.
*  I gave up caffeinated coffee, not beer. Cheers!
*  Johnny Cash is King (sorry, Elvis)



Visiting the Denver Stock Show wasn't on my to-do list for 2010. However, I thought it would be a good way for me to connect with folks in the sheep raising and shearing circle since I need to give a shave to one (a sheep, not a person) by the end of the year.

Also, I was hoping there'd be someone to talk with about llamas, as being educated about them is on my list. Why? Well, one day, I'll have a farm. And on that farm, there was to be llamas. There wasn't any llama-learning going on, but there was the nicest couple from Daybreak Criations Alpacas - - who gave me a quick lesson on their favorite beasts. I've decided  the farm will have alpacas, not llamas. Why?

Aside from alpacas being cuter ( to me) than llamas, they are smaller both in weight and height. Thus, easier to handle. Also, alpacas produce a better fiber that can be used in weaving and felting. Upon further research about llamas, and this is the clincher, I found out that males can suffer from a disease that is brought on by being bottle-fed when young, as well as by bumping & nudging (in other words, playing llama games) with humans. It's called Berserk* Male Syndrome.
Hmmmm...crazed llamas.
Deranged male creatures. 
I think I'll pass.


I thought it would be fun to have a caption contest. Whoever comes up with the funniest, most creative caption for pictures A, B, or C wins! You'll receive something from Colorado.



Saturday, January 23, 2010

I Am What I Am

According to the personality test that I took online, I am in the same company as Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes (in the fictitious category),  Mary, Mother of Jesus ( I've always had an affinity for Mary...if you've been to my house, you know this about me), and Albert Scweitzer (one of my favorite vegetarians!).

The test is Jungian-based and can be found at Humanmetrics or

My type is INFP ( Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving). Only 2% of the population (who have taken the test?) have been determined to be INFP Healers. Below is an explanation of the personality type. Amazing. It's so me! Or I'm so it?!

Idealist Portrait of the Healer (INFP)

Healers present a calm and serene face to the world, and can seem shy, even distant around others. But inside they're anything but serene, having a capacity for personal caring rarely found in the other types. Healers care deeply about the inner life of a few special persons, or about a favorite cause in the world at large. And their great passion is to heal the conflicts that trouble individuals, or that divide groups, and thus to bring wholeness, or health, to themselves, their loved ones, and their community.

Healers have a profound sense of idealism * that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. They conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place, full of wondrous possibilities and potential goods. In fact, to understand Healers, we must understand that their deep commitment to the positive and the good is almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. Set off from the rest of humanity by their privacy and scarcity (around one percent of the population), Healers can feel even more isolated in the purity of their idealism.

Also, Healers might well feel a sense of separation because of their often misunderstood childhood. Healers live a fantasy-filled childhood-they are the prince or princess of fairy tales-an attitude which, sadly, is frowned upon, or even punished, by many parents. With parents who want them to get their head out of the clouds, Healers begin to believe they are bad to be so fanciful, so dreamy, and can come to see themselves as ugly ducklings. In truth, they are quite OK just as they are, only different from most others-swans reared in a family of ducks.

At work, Healers are adaptable, welcome new ideas and new information, are patient with complicated situations, but impatient with routine details. Healers are keenly aware of people and their feelings, and relate well with most others. Because of their deep-seated reserve, however, they can work quite happily alone. When making decisions, Healers follow their heart not their head, which means they can make errors of fact, but seldom of feeling. They have a natural interest in scholarly activities and demonstrate, like the other Idealists, a remarkable facility with language. They have a gift for interpreting stories, as well as for creating them, and thus often write in lyric, poetic fashion. Frequently they hear a call to go forth into the world and help others, a call they seem ready to answer, even if they must sacrifice their own comfort.

INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginitive, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.

About the INFP Expert Quotes

"To understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith..."

- The Portrait of a Healer Idealist (Keirsey)

"INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life."

- Portrait of an INFP (The Personality Page)

"creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings..."

- INFP Jung Type Descriptions (

"An INFP's feelings form the foundations of the individual. They are sacred and binding, in the sense that their emergence requires no further justification. An INFP's feelings are often guarded, kept safe from attack and ridicule. Only a few, close confidants are permitted entrance into this domain."

"Highly creative, artistic and spiritual, they can produce wonderful works of art, music and literature. INFPs are natural artists. They will find great satisfaction if they encourage and develop their artistic abilities. That doesn't mean that an INFP has to be a famous writer or painter in order to be content. Simply the act of "creating" will be a fulfilling source of renewal and refreshment to the INFP. An INFP should allow himself or herself some artistic outlet, because it will add enrichment and positive energy to their life."

"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glassworld where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities."

"Their job must be fun, although not racous, and it must be meaningful to them. They need a strong purpose in their work. They want to be recognized and valued, without undue attention given to them. They may become embarrassed when make the center of attention. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. They would rather have their worth be noticed gradually over time."

INFPs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Dreamer/Visionary personality.

• Activist

• Architect

• Artist

• Actor

• Counselor

• Church Worker

• Employee Development Specialist

• Educational Consultant

• Editor

• Filmmaker

• Fashion Designer

• Graphic/Web Designer

• Holistic Health Practitioner

• Human Resources

• Journalist

• Librarian

• Legal Mediator

• Massage Therapist

• Missionary

• Musician

• Minister

• Psychologist/Counselor

• Photographer

• Physical Therapist

• Researcher

• Social Scientist

• Speech Pathologist

• Social Worker

• Translator/Interpreter

• Teacher/Professor

• Video Editor

• Writer

The test only takes a few minutes. If you take the time to complete the questions, let me know your results and if you feel they are in line with  how you (and others) see yourself and what you do for a living.

Word of the day...
Idealism ~ The practice of envisioning things in an ideal (perfect, wondrous, excellent) form : Pursuit of one's ideals

Friday, January 22, 2010

Baker, Baker

My Aunt Katie was an incredible baker. Before she passed on, she passed on her recipes for pound cake..all different flavors. However, according to my immediate family members, the orange cake seems to be the unanimous favorite. It takes the cake! In the photo, you can see where it crumbled a bit, only because I turned it out before it had cooled a bit (the kids were itching for a piece before bed!).

Here are the pics of the faux-fire and Crazy 8 cards. I pinky-promise that my carpet isn't as dirty looking as it appears in the picture! it's really clean!

One task that wasn't on my to-do list was to make paper airplanes. Elsa and Lucas color blank paper and then ahnd it over to be reconfigured into a flying machine. I actually did it! I got a little coaching help along the way, but that's a-o-k since asking for help was on the list!


So, there are a few things that I really need to work on. One is getting off of the computer and facebook! I had said I would only spend three blocks of 30 minutes a day on the computer. I'm not there yet.
The other is not eating after 7:00. Gosh, did I even note that? Ever since school started, I pick at food all day, which I've always done - I'm a grazer. But, when I get home in the evening (10:45 pm), I'm famished and make something to eat. I would think that a small snack - a banana, some almond butter on an apple, a cup of yogurt - would be ok to nosh on this late at night. However, I whip up meals! I have to stop. Where's that willpower I was talking about in another post? To date, no one has sent me any of their extra. Perhaps, if I was more determined to be in bed by 11:00, I'd be less likely to eat.

Just a reminder...I entered a contest at If you go there, click on contests, look for the messiest food contest link, and find my user name - bigbutt. I have two entries...Stuffed Shells and a Grilled Guacamole, Tomato, and Cheese sandwich.  Please vote for one of mine:) The contest runs until February and you are permitted to vote every day! Thanks!

Word of the day...
Unanimous ~  Sharing  the same opinion or views : In complete agreement