Monday, February 15, 2010

Life is FUN!

Freely, I will admit, that I enjoy celebrating - anything! Pet's birthdays, someone in the neighborhood gets a new car, one of the kids - and not necessarily my own - has a new tooth coming in, promotions or demotions, break-ups and divorces, the local high school team wins a name it, I'll celebrate it. For us, most holidays begin the month before the actual date ( I'm already wearing my Kiss Me, I'm Irish tee). So, we've been gearing up for Valentine's Day for some time now. Elsa and Luke were  excited to have their friends over! We made -and ate - chocolate covered strawberries & black-bottom cupcakes (and the other moms brought cupcakes, too!), read a funny Valentine's Day story, danced around the house, played, and then went sledding!

Life is FUN!

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