What a terrific word...Ballyhooing. It's a word one would find mentioned in The Hundred Acre Wood by Pooh...or Owl, perhaps. Who do you think would use it in a sentence?
In any case, I am not one to ballyhoo*. Yet, I've been doing alot of self-promoting on facebook and I'm feeling a bit guilty. I see others mention their blogs, but for some reason, I have a difficult time doing that. So, while I have you here, I'll mention my other blog, http://parentingpoliticspillowtalk.blogspot.com/. One of my resolutions was to blog daily and I've been doing just that!
How have you been doing with accomplishing your resolutions? What were yours? I'd really like to know.
Today, I made spring rolls.
(That wasn't on my list. Spontaneity is important, too! I think that was a resolution.)
The rolls are so easy to make!
Other than that, I didn't do much.
Meditated in the morning. Wrote a letter to my Poppy. Blogged. Watched a few minutes of football while I ate my rolls. Napped. Practiced kid's yoga with Elsa and Lucas. Studied. Ate another roll.
Tomorrow, I start my cleanse. Move your goop over Gwyneth Paltrow.
Gwen does lots of ballyhooing!
* Ballyhoo ~ Sensational promotion or publicity: noisy uproar: exaggerated publicity
Toko Keramik Murah, Berkualitas dan Terpercaya
10 years ago
What is the recipe for the spring rolls? I made cinnamon oatmeal raisin cookies today during half time of the Ravens game. Go Ravens!!! Pop will appreciate your letter. Why not send one to Uncle Whitey, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Gin and Aunt Ginny, Uncle Richard and Aunt Bernice? You may even get another penpal or two out of it.....