Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Do NOT Go In There!

For the last few days, I've been getting articles sent to my facebook homepage regarding kitchens. One was from a reiki magazine that reported the kitchen is a spiritual space. Another was from a holistic health site that suggested that now is the time to clean out your cupboards. There was another, but I can't remember the source. Doesn't matter. Signs were showing up all over my computer screen, leading me to the dreaded chore of cleaning out the refrigerator.
One of my resolutions is not to stress about the mess. When things seem cluttered, I get crabby. My house is usually clean, almost always tidy (though I do throw things in the closets in order to accomplish this), and for the most part, organized. The refrigerator is a different story. With two small children in the house who can and do access the contents of the fridge and an adult male present who has no interest in maintaining something that can't be seen by guests, it's no wonder the keeper-of-food has been neglected. I accept blame, as well. There are times when I know I need to scrub her down. Instead, I go shopping and load her up. You can't see all of the filth if it's covered with foodstuffs and packaging, right?
However, as I (and I had help) was cleaning the shelves, I realized that this is where we keep things that we eventually put into our mouths, our bodies. The refrigerator always needs to be clean! Having a box of baking soda sitting in the fridge on a shelf simply doesn't do the trick. It isn't as though the arm is actually going to reach out from the box and do any scrubbing. So, I am committed to maintaining a hygienic, sparkling, spotless refrigerator.(except for the outside where I still get to post pictures and magnets)!
Brace yourselves ~

Next, starts the process. My helper. She insisted


New and improved!

Word of the day: hygiene - noun. Conditions or practices that promote or preserve health.

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