Yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about coffee. Around the world, people drink coffee and here I am in Broomfield depriving myself of the black gold. Then, it hit me. I gave up caffeine, not coffee. Nincompoop*. There is the option of DEcaffeinated! So, last evening after class, I went to the store and picked up a bag of Newman's Own Organics Special Decaf. And it's Fair Trade certified, too. A win-win for me!
This morning, as I signed on to another blog site, I got to drink coffee! As I read pages 1-6 of Anna Karenina, I got to drink coffee! And as I wrote my pen pal (see below) I got to drink coffee. Life is so grand!
When I checked my email last night, there was a message from my pen pal! She sent her address and asked who was going to write first. Yeah! I wrote her a brief letter today and included a token of my appreciation for following through with communication...a postcard of a recipe for pecan pie (she likes postcards and collects recipes!).
More good news...from the pen pal site, I got another request to correspond! Yippee!
I entered my saucy shells in a messiest recipe contest at Upon reflection, I thought that maybe the shells might not be the messiest dish I could come up with. So, today, I made a grilled cheesy guacamole & tomato sandwich. It's so easy. Since I can't eat avocados (bummer, I know) my friend, Katherine (who is starting her own magazine!) came over and ate the sandwich for lunch. It was oozy and gooey. Yum! Please go to the site and vote for one of my entries...saucy shells stuffed with cheese and spinach or the grilled cheese. You'll find my entries under the username bigbutt:)
While Katherine was here, we talked about a way for her company to participate in a community fundraiser (another resolution)! Since her magazine targets women over 50...we thought of a Red Hat Society fashion show to benefit multiple non-profits. Check back later for details! It will be a blast!
*Nincompoop ~ dimwit, dork
I love this idea, the 365 resolutions. I'm going to be a copycat! I'll wait till my bday though (Feb 6). This makes good sense since I'll be turning 37 and I've been looking forward to being 37 for a while now. SOmething tells me it's going to be a wonderful year. Cool, so I've got a month to come up with 365 resolutions. :)
yer cuz