Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Updates on updates...

Last night was a late one for me, so I didn't have the opportunity to update you on my day in as much detail as I would have liked.

Thai food is one of my favorite cuisines. I frequent Thai restaurants in the Denver area, but, until yesterday, hadn't visited the Thai restaurant in Broomfield.

The kids and I went for lunch. They split a huge plate of chicken lo mein. Luke loved it. Elsa, not so much.

I ordered basil tofu. Yum!

My first bite of tofu got lodged in the back of my throat. Fortunately, I didn't inhale upon panic. Honestly, the waitress was nowhere to be found. Aside from the kids and that smiling, golden, waving cat near the register, there were no other eyes present to see that I was in trouble. My CPR knowledge kicked in and I fish-hooked the culprit from my mouth. Whew!

My pen pal hasn't penned me back regarding our corresponding. She agreed to write, but hasn't contacted me through email to get my mailing address. I'm sort of bummed. Does anyone know how I can find a pen pal?

My friend decided to torment me today. For Christmas, I sent him some whole bean coffee, distributed by a local Colorado company. Being that I am off the caffeine, I felt like ripping my eyes out as I read how delicious his cup o' joe was this morning. No more Christmas presents for you, Wilson.

Urgh, I just put a picture of Anna Karenina on the page. It didn't show up where I wanted it...which would be right here. I don't know how to manage the photo options. Help? In any case, my former mother-in-in law is letting me borrow the book. I've always wanted to read it! Since it will take me the entire year, I figured going the library route wouldn't be wise in this instance. I started reading it today at the gym, while on the bike.
Speaking of the gym...since I plan on running a 5k this year, I decided that I should actually begin running! I ran around the track at the recreation center yesterday. Boring.

I keep forgetting to include the word of the day. So, I've decided that I will use the word in my post and then define it at the end of that day's blog. That starts tomorrow.
What else?
Oh, my cell phone confession. I had resolved not to use the cell phone for certain time frames. I've been feeling sort of guilty about that one for some reason. I don't use my cell phone much to begin with, so it's sort of a gimme as far as the resolutions go. I'll have to add another. Or, if you have a suggestion for another resolution, throw it out there.

We bought some new water bottle today, so I can follow through on my commitment to drink more water. The bottles are BPA-Free, FDA approved. I don't know if the latter part of that last sentence is a good thing or not.

Some of you were asking about my new year's day, half-priced purchases from Goodwill. Here is the shirt...new with tags. Love that.

And here is the smokin' leather jacket. It looks better on!
Word of the day to make up for yesterday...
Declivity, noun. A downward slope.
Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks for reading!


  1. Sooooo glad you had a willing helper to clean the frig. How generous she was with her time! Tell Elsa I'm proud of her....

  2. I have a suggestion - place your word of the day in a sentence

  3. Why not replace one of your resolutions with this - Have Elsa and Lucas each write letters to their favorite famous persons requesting an autographed photo and a letter in return. They each could start a scrapbook. You can do the same. I'd start with the eldest famous person first. Include not only movie and tv stars but sports figures, newscasters, political figures and even those in the Octamom category.

  4. Ooh, I have that shirt! Actually, I stole/permanently borrowed it from my mom. Let me know how the book goes. It's one I need to read.

    Holler and I can help with the photo issue.

    Happy Day!
